Bimetal Strip with Electric Contact – code: 4200.80

Bimetal Strip with Electric Contact

Code: 4200.80

Simple demonstrator for thermal expansion

The apparatus consists of a bimetal strip that expands differently on both sides due to two different materials. Once heated, it will bend to one side as one of the metals will expand faster than the other.

Size: 10x10x12 cm
Weight: 0.2 kg
Mounted on base, with electrical plugs for electric contacts

Equipment Suggested
Current & Voltage Sensor (code 4840.16)





  • Thermal expansion
  • Demonstration model of thermostat

EXAMPLE OF USE: Thermal expansion

Demonstration of a Bimetal Strip in action.

Many of today’s thermostats are based on the differential expansion of two different metals. Differential expansion causes the metals to change shape when heated. This metal bending can then be used to turn off a switch. With our Bimetal Strip it is possible to demonstrate this behaviour by just connecting a multimeter to the electric contacts. Before it is heated, you will see that the Bimetal Strip will make a closed circuit. When it starts to heat up, the circuit will open as the Bimetal Strip will visibly bend way. Once cooled, it will revert back to its original position, closing the circuit once more