Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Apparatus – code: 4235.10

Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Apparatus

Code: 4235.10

Joule’s most important experiment, converting mechanical work to thermal energy.

The apparatus is a simple and accurate demonstration of how to turn mechanical energy into heat.

Using the rotation-counter and a falling mass it is possible to calculate the mechanical effect of friction and the increase in temperature of the calorimeter.

Size: 26x22x20 cm
Weight: 8.5 kg
Inclusive of clamp for table mounting

Strumentazione necessaria
Vernier Caliper (code 2213.10)

Attrezzatura consigliata
RED Temperature Sensor (code 4840.42) or
RED Temperature Sensor Plug-In (code 4830.11)


  • Mechanical Equipment of heat apparatus
  • Weight: (5 Kg)
  • Thermometer (-10 ÷ 110°C)
  • Silicone Grease


  • Conversion factor between joules and calories

EXAMPLE OF USE: Converting joules into calories

Experimental determination of the conversion factor between joules and calories

The apparatus is quick and easy to set up and will give an excellent approximation of the work done by a falling mass and the produced energy. We can compare the difference in temperature and the mass of water with the number of turns of the counter and the mass of the hanging weight. The ratio term between the work performed and the thermal energy produced and transmitted to the cylinder determines the mechanical equivalent of heat.

Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Apparatus in use